Sunday, December 23, 2018

AGE OF DECEIT - The TRANSagenda Breeding Program (FULL Version)


  1. My daughter left home at 19 as my daughter. Our relationship deteriorated after she left. Now, 5 years later, she wants to be known as a man's name and a male gender. She turned away from me the day she left home. I don't understand what happened. Help us "Saint Michael the Archangel..."

    1. My husband left our son and I to become a homosexual 2 years ago. It is very sad what the Cult-ure has done to our families. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. I will pray for your family. Please pray to Jesus instead of Michael. The Bible warns strictly against worshipping or praying to angels.

      Here is just one verse forbidding you to pray to Michael or a pantheon of spirits.

      Revelation 22:8-9

      I John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, "Do NOT DO THAT! I am a just fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. WORSHIP GOD!"

  2. Showing the overlays of faces that match is close but the video fails to understand that one face playing multiple roles is standard with all the media. Google image any movie, tv program, beauty pageant, lottery winners, rock bands, astronauts, Astronaut Wives Club, etc. Also posters on walls, cd and dvd covers, magazines, etc. Train your eye by comparing one facial feature at a time from the same angle. Helps to cover entire faces except for feature being compared. Usually the faces are heavily manipulated so you also need to recognize techniques used to change appearance. Fake lighting and shadow and redness change shape and size. Ignore size focus on shape. Ignore bodies. They use position of mouth and eyes from open to closed. Facial expressions constant. Very thin upper lip. Lines starting a double chin or fattening of the face. Fuzzy or blurry pictures. Lip covering part of teeth to make them look shorter and blackening of back of mouth to make row of teeth shorter. Fake lighting on teeth. Sometimes can't see white of eye. List not complete.
    Notice they seldom show two or more faces from the same angle at the same time. With moving pictures you must remember what the feature looks like and the angle then wait for another character presented from the same angle then quickly compare.

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    1. With the fake UFC fights the same body includes identical arms, legs and feet.

  5. The one face thing extends to the world stage and down to many or most small towns. A well trained eye will see it in government bodies and organizations including supreme courts, city councils, school boards, congress, etc. Also check out officers of banks and credit unions. Go to for proof of same face using technology. He focuses mainly on world stage. Wake up. You are buried in illusion and delusion. Magicians who are masters of deception have controlled humans since the beginning of civilization which was the changing of herds of humans to domesticated herds of humans controlled and worked same as any other domesticated herd animal.

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  8. Sorry Charles... Since you can't speak to me without insulting me and preaching anti-Christ propaganda against God, I deleted some of your comments. This is my vlog... so you can go to your own vlog if you want to belittle the God of the Old Testament. You greatly lack understanding of the first earth age and your ignorance shows when you try to speak of the God of the Old Testament. But your ego and arrogance are through the roof, calling everyone "in coma" or psyops if they don't agree with you on every tiny thing. Check yourself. Educate yourself about the pre-flood world. God bless!

  9. Educate yourself about the one face thing. If you are so right why are you worried about what I say? Truth needs no defense. And it doesn't require censorship. You are in a coma.

  10. Hey my name is Bill and I have truly enjoyed your videos. I am contacting you because your videos are disappearing off your YouTube channel and your main web sight. Do you have another channel I can look into or see you just being blocked all over? I hope you are able to continue putting your messages out there as I can see you have added information that others haven't revealed. Anyways God bless stay strong and keep fighting the good fight
